FactAudit.org: Who We Are

FactAudit.org is a nonprofit organization, registered as a 501(c)(3) with the IRS, dedicated to delivering accurate and unbiased information. Our mission is to uphold transparency and integrity in fact-checking, ensuring facts are presented clearly and objectively, without influence from political or ideological agendas.

As part of our commitment to transparency, we publicly disclose the names of all donors who have contributed $100 or more over the past five years. This ensures our readers can trust that our work remains independent and free from hidden influences.

Our fact-checking process is rigorous, relying on credible sources and thorough research. FactAudit.org operates without ties to any political group or special interest, ensuring our focus stays on the truth, based on evidence and verifiable data.

Our Nonprofit Status

You can verify FactAudit.org’s nonprofit status on the IRS website.